23 luglio 2013

Update 4.4 Nemesis Total Revolution 2013(23/07)

-Correct bug (resolved all problem of the face)
-Update the market
-created new player
-Add new face
-new kit 2013/14(for the team that have presented the kit for the next season)

This is the last update of the Nemesis Total Revolution for PES2013,thanks at all, I'm very happy for the results of this patch and I Think that I make a patch for PES2014



This is an update of the patch, before installing the update you must have installed Nemesis Total Revolution v4.0+UPDATE4.1+Update4.2+Update 4.21+update 4.3+fix 4.31

1:Scaricate il file(Zippyshare o Mega)
1:Download the file(Zippyshare or Mega)
2:Estrarre il file
2:Extract the file
3: Copiate la cartella Nemesiserver e il Selector tool.exe(che trovate all'interno della cartella "Update 4.4 Nemesis Total Revolution") all'interno della cartella della patch in modo che si unisca a quella già presente e vi sarà richiesto di sostituire alcuni file,sostituiteli
3: Copy the Nemesiserver folder and the Selector tool.exe (that found within "Update 4.4 Nemesis Total Revolution" folder) within the patch folder so that it joins to that already present and you will be asked to replace some files, replace
4:aprite la cartella update(che trovate all'interno della cartella "Update 4.4 Nemesis Total Revolution")aprite l'exe "Update"e cliccate su make the update, poi cancellatelo

 4:open the update  folder(that found within "Update 4.4 Nemesis Total Revolution" folder)open the exe"Update" and click on "make the update",after delete the exe "Update
5:Aprite il "Selector tool"
5:Open the "Selector tool"
6:Selezionate Scoreboard(4-3;16-9),League,Entrance Cinematic,Gloves,Refree e cliccate su apply e aspettate il messaggio Aplly
6:Select Scoreboard(4-3;16-9),League,Entrance Cinematic,Gloves,Refree and click on Apply and load the messagge Apply
7:Chiudete il "Selector tool"
7:Close the "Selector tool"
8:Avviate il gioco da "Nemeis2013.exe"
8:Play the game from "Nemeis2013.exe"

17 luglio 2013

Fix 4.31

-Correct bug
-update the market
-kitselector available in selector tool
-new kit 2013/14


1: Copiate la cartella Nemesiserver e Selector tool(che trovate all'interno della cartella "Fix 4.31") all'interno della cartella della patch in modo che si unisca a quella già presente e vi sarà richiesto di sostituire alcuni file,sostituiteli
1: Copy the Nemesiserver folder and Selector tool.exe (that found within "Fix 4.31" folder) within the patch folder so that it joins to that already present and you will be asked to replace some files, replace
2:aprite la cartella update(che trovate all'interno della cartella "Fix 4.31")aprite l'exe "Update"e cliccate su make the update, poi cancellatelo
2:open the update folder(that found within "Fix 4.31" folder)open the exe"Update" and click on "make the update",after delete the exe "Update"

This is an update of the patch, before installing the update you must have installed Nemesis Total Revolution v4.0+UPDATE4.1+Update4.2+Update 4.21+update 4.3

09 luglio 2013

Nemesi Total Revolution v 4.3

Set quality 1080pHD

-Selector tool v 5.0
-Add new chants
-Insert kit 2013/14
-Update the markets(Thank to discopazzo)
-Ball 2013/14

1: http://adf.ly/S2M40
2: http://adf.ly/S2M42
3: http://adf.ly/S2M43
4: http://adf.ly/S2M44
5: http://adf.ly/S2M45

This is an update of the patch, before installing the update you must have installed Nemesis Total Revolution v4.0+UPDATE4.1+Update4.2+Update 4.21

1:Scaricate le 5 parti
1:Download all 5 parts
2:Estrarre tutti i 5 file
2:Extract all 5 parts
3: Copiate la cartella Nemesiserver e Selector tool(che trovate all'interno della cartella "Update 4.3 Nemesis Total Revolution") all'interno della cartella della patch in modo che si unisca a quella già presente e vi sarà richiesto di sostituire alcuni file,sostituiteli
3: Copy the Nemesiserver folder and Selector tool.exe (that found within "Update 4.3 Nemesis Total Revolution" folder) within the patch folder so that it joins to that already present and you will be asked to replace some files, replace
4:aprite la cartella update(che trovate all'interno della cartella "Update 4.2 Nemesis Total Revolution")aprite l'exe "Update"e cliccate su make the update, poi cancellatelo
4:open the update folder(that found within "Update 4.2 Nemesis Total Revolution" folder)open the exe"Update" and click on "make the update",after delete the exe "Update"
5:Aprite il "Selector tool"
5:Open the "Selector tool"
6:Selezionate Scoreboard(4-3;16-9),League,Entrance Cinematic,Refree e cliccate su apply e aspettate il messaggio Aplly
6:Select Scoreboard(4-3;16-9),League,Entrance Cinematic,Refree and click on Apply and load the messagge Apply
7:Chiudete il "Selector tool"
7:Close the "Selector tool"
8:Avviate il gioco da "Nemeis2013.exe"
8:Play the game from "Nemeis2013.exe"

if selected in the selector tool the version 1.03 make sure that manager.exe and Gameplay config are attacked, to do this open the Nemesiserver folder amd open manager.exe and Gameplay config and click attach EXE "Nemeis2013.exe"
se selezionate nel selector tool la versione 1.03 assicuratevi che il manager.exe e Gameplay config siano attacati, per farlo basta aprire la cartella Nemesiserver e aprire manager.exe e Gameplay config e cliccare su attach all'exe "Nemeis2013.exe"